Back to School is in the air! Everywhere you look there are piles of papers, notebooks, pencils, crayons & backpacks. This year, make back to school a little more special with these free printables. We have a little something for the teachers as well as your student in classic colors that work for both boys & girls.How to get these fun items for free?? Follow
Summer In Paris – The Collection
I have 2 little girls and they are 2 days shy of being 2 1/2 years apart in age. With a birthday every 6 months, I feel that I am constantly planning a birthday party 🙂 Good thing I enjoy my job! This year, my oldest turned 6. She’s been a huge fan of Paris and the Eiffel Tower since watching her Barbie movies. It
Summer In Paris…sneak peek
4th of July always holds a special place with me….it’s my oldest daughter’s birthday. This year she got to blow out 6 little candles. She’s a huge fan of the Barbie movies and has become a big fan of Paris and the Eiffel Tower since watching them. It only made sense when she told me that she wanted a Paris party this year. …and so
Birthday Party Checklist
Birthday party planning can be a bit overwhelming. Guest lists, supplies, food, games, prizes, themes…the list goes on & on. It’s very easy to get flustered with all of the details to creating the perfect party. Let us help make it a bit easier. You can use our Party Checklist to keep your party organized and be sure you remember all of the little details.
Madagascar 3: Europe’s Most Wanted
“I Like To Move It Move It, I Like To Move It Move It, I Like To Move It Move It, We Like To…MOVE IT” Yes, this is the song that is stuck in my head. In anticipation for Madagascar 3: Europe’s Most Wanted release date, my children and I have had a Madagascar Marathon. Oh my! Cute movies. They love them. It’s pretty cute